✢ Fiesta Cobalt 6-Piece Steak Knife with In-Draw Tray ✢

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Fiesta Cobalt 6-Piece Steak Knife with In-Draw Tray

See Fiesta Cobalt 6-Piece Steak Knife with In-Draw TrayIf you want to know more details and buying option about this product, you can click link in frame below .

  • 6 Steak knives and 1 wood block holder
  • Forged stainless steel with soft grip handles
  • Cobalt
  • Wash before using; dishwasher safe; wash in dishwasher or by hand in hot soapy water using mild detergent; do not use any detergent with lemon added as this may cause corrosion
  • For best results, do not leave flatware soaking in water for long periods of time; dry promptly after washing

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