♡ Chicago Cutlery Essentials 15-Piece Knife Set ♡

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Chicago Cutlery Essentials 15-Piece Knife Set

See Chicago Cutlery Essentials 15-Piece Knife SetIf you want to know more details about this item, please click link in the box below .

  • Professional high-carbon stainless steel blades with black polymer handles
  • Exclusive Taper Grind edge technology provides optimum sharpness for precise cutting and is easy to re-sharpen
  • High-carbon stainless steel creates a stronger, harder blade resisting stains, rust and pitting
  • Full metal tang extends from the tip of the blade to the end of the knife forming part of the handle; provides added strength, balance, and control
  • Triple compression stainless steel rivets secure the handles to the blade for increased safety and stability

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Item Tags: Cool price Chicago Cutlery Essentials 15-Piece Knife Set